Friday, January 18, 2008

Let's Get It On

Ok, here's the thing. For many pregnant women, the lovely pheromones will kick into overdrive during their second trimester. I've been anxiously hoping this would happen, because lets be honest, morning sickness hasn't bode well for that. So yay for me that I got my first kick of it, but not so yay when it happened smack in the middle of a business trip, while I am sitting in a meeting. It surely was not the topic of top priority value drivers in software mergers and acquisitions that got me hot under the collar, but there I was during a death by powerpoint presentation with my legs clenched together. Then I get into my rental car at the end of the day to take myself out for some sushi, and Muse is playing on the radio when I turn on the car. That was so not fair. To explain, Muse is to me what Barry White is to normal people. Is someone trying to torture me here? Why don't you just parade in front of me the luscious David Beckham wearing nothing but underwear while you're at it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" priority value drivers in software mergers and acquisitions..."

Uh....that phrase scared me.

Glad you're doing well, mama! Git sum', git' sum! Make sure to yell "You're hurting the baby!" periodically. Mark will love it.