Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Things We Do For Love (and Survival)

I am stubborn. This does not come as a shock to any of you that have, I don't know, met me. So I refuse to believe there isn't anything I can do to combat pregnancy nausea/morning sickness. So I am on a mission, with the help of my beloved acupuncturist, to find something that works. Here is an example of things I have ingested in the past 24 hours in the quest not to puke during my conference calls at work:
  • An herbal concoction mixed by hand at the Elephant herbal pharmacy with ingredients that include Bai Zhu and Zhi Gan Cao. I do not know from this, it kind of tastes like feet, but I am willing to try anything.
  • Yarrow flowers. This tastes like lemons and feet.
  • Ginger peanut butter candy. The peanut butter flavor is to soften the harshness of the ginger, since regular ginger candy tastes like ass. I can barely ingest anymore ginger anything after overdosing on all things ginger last week, so yes, I somehow thought it would be logical to eat ass with a hint of peanut butter.

So if anyone has any herbal remedy recommendations that don't taste or smell like feet or ass, I am all ears.

1 comment:

ellie24 said...

haha! This is a really funny post. But seriously home remedies are definitely better than the anti emetic medications. I have lots of tips and remedies for morning sickness relief. Click here.