Wednesday, May 14, 2008

TMI People!!!

So my husband turns to me the other day and says "your stomach is finally bigger than your boobs!" So, yes, I am at the stage where I am visibly pregnant and no longer getting the "is she pregnant or did she eat too much ice cream" looks from strangers. Instead, random people feel the need to discuss my pregnancy with me. The conversation always covers the following three topics, in this order:

-Do you know what you are having? Yes, its a boy.
-Have you picked out a name? No. (and if we did I wouldn't tell you anyways).
-When I/my sister/daughter/cousin/friend went into labor...(insert horror story)...

Ok, what on earth makes you think I want to hear this? Why, oh why, would you Mr. or Ms. Random Stranger, feel the need to tell me the gory, intimate details of a traumatic labor? That would be like someone telling me they are about to have surgery, and I go ahead and tell them the story about how last time I had surgery I woke up in the middle and heard the doctor yell "scalpel!" Not cool, man!


Anonymous said...

I'll bet you look adorable!!!!!

And, people r dumb. I prefer cats.

Anonymous said...

What is it about pregnancy that makes people think they can bond with strangers? It's not like if you weren't pregnant these people would likely come up and ask you questions or share stories. When someone asks you the name, you should say "George Bush" and see what kind of reply you get...